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:: Keynote: Beringing FPGAs to Production HPC Systems and Codes - Christian Plessl
::FPGA: Heterogeneous Resource-Elastic Scheduling for CPU+FPGA Architectures - Anuj Vaishnav, Khoa Pham and Dirk Koch
* dynamically allocate CPUs and Reconfigurable resources to multiple tasks based on runtime conditions
* FPGA Shell: ZUCL "ZUCL: A zynq ultrascale+ framework for opencl hls applications" - <<< ReadItLater
* Spector benhmarkで評価 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7929519 https://github.com/KastnerRG/spector
** SDSoC-likeなstatic schedulingとくらべて2x speed up
:: FPGA: Physical Design Considerations for Synthesizable Standard-Cell-Based FPGAs
:: Scalable Filtering Modules for Database Acceleration on FPGAs - Kristiyan Manev, Anuj Vaishnav, Charalampos Kritikakis and Dirk Koch
* Database queris on FPGAs
** convert query to static hardare <-> sysnthesis time is slow (unable to use at runtime for any query)
** convert query to static hardare <-> limited programmability
** -> partial runtime reconfiguration
* FPGA-Based Dynamically Reconfigurable SQL Query Processing と 比較.https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2845087 <<< ReadItLater
:: Deep Learning Accelerator for an Intelligent Camera
* Optimization Techniques with Case studies
** light-weight approach
** probabilistic approach
** systematic approach
* What's next
** time sequence estimation
*** recurrent neural network
** dataset generator
** multi-task learning
*** taskonomy [Zamir, CVPR2018] https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.08328 <<< ReadItLater