!FCCMを見た FCCMがバーチャルで公開されて,しかも参加登録無料だったので あれこれプレゼン動画をみてみた. キーノートは,Reconfiguarble Comuting with Nanophotonics. コンピューティングのコンポーネントは, * MRR, MZI * Photodiode, Combiner * Nonlinear Activations で,アプリの例はPDEソルバとかCNNとか. Conclusionsは, * With reduced size and plethora of components nanophotonics make it possible to architecturally innovate * In addition to what is possible with Silicon Photonics, Metatronics provide the ability to engineer new materials that can fit in and provide new capabilities as we saw in ROC * All of these devices are generally programmable * The possibilities do not stop at digital or multivalued representations but it also can bring back important element of analog computing * It is important not to just copy a digital or an analog electronic solution as is, but rather thing about what alternatives photonics can offer * The savings in power about the range of new possibilities are worth the investment * There are many well known challenges, many of which are being tackled * There is new promising work * With new devices, material, algorithms conversions between electronic and photonic domains can be cut down and many new all optical devices are emerging. !FCCM論文読み * FFShark: A 100G FPGA Implementation of BPF Filtering for Wireshark - http://www.fccm.org/proceedings/2020/pdfs/FCCM2020-65FOvhMqzyMYm99lfeVKyl/580300a047/580300a047.pdf * Corundum: An Open-Source 100-Gbps NIC - http://www.fccm.org/proceedings/2020/pdfs/FCCM2020-65FOvhMqzyMYm99lfeVKyl/580300a038/580300a038.pdf * High-Throughput Convolutional Neural Network on an FPGA by Customized JPEG Compression - http://www.fccm.org/proceedings/2020/pdfs/FCCM2020-65FOvhMqzyMYm99lfeVKyl/580300a001/580300a001.pdf * Grapefruit: An Open-Source, Full-Stack, and Customizable Automata Processing on FPGAs - http://www.fccm.org/proceedings/2020/pdfs/FCCM2020-65FOvhMqzyMYm99lfeVKyl/580300a138/580300a138.pdf あたりを,さらっと.