!MICRO toppicks 2010 そういえば読んでないということに気づいた. :: iCFP: Tolerating All-Level Cache Misses in In-Order Processors * in-order processorの性能向上の話. * キャッシュミスがおこっても,投機的にプログラムを実行して,ミスに関する命令だけをケアする * Miss Level Parallelism(MLP) :: Near-Optimal Cache Block Placement with Reactive Nonuniform Cache Architectures * Reactive NUCA :: A Task-Centric Memory Model for Scalable Accelerator Architectures * Rigelにおけるソフトウェアでのキャッシュコヒレンシのメカニズムなど :: DMP: Deterministic Shared-Memory Multiprocessing * fully deterministicなshared-memory multiprocessing <= デバグ,テスト,開発が容易に ** executes multiple threads that communicate via shared memory ** produces the same program output if given the same program input * all communication between threads is precisely the same for every execution * the simlplest way ** メモリ操作のたびにトークンの取得/開放を行う ** performance degradation(メモリアクセスのたびにトークンの開放を待つ/並列実行のbenefitを失う) * 並列性をrecoverするために ** invalidation-based cache coherence protocolをスレッド間通信の発生時の識別に使用 ** 投機実行 * DNP-ShTab(cache coherence protocol) * DMP-TM, DMP-TMFwd(support for transactional memory) :: Making Address-Correlated Prefetching Practical * address-correlated prefetchingをするにはMBクラスのメタデータが必要だった * two innocations for manageing metadata ** hash-based lookup: maintains an index of previously recorded miss-address seq. ** probabilitic update: applies only a randomly selected subset of updates to the hashed index table *** reducing metadata emory traffic by a factor of 3.4 :: Accelerating Critical Section Execution with Asymmetric Multicore Architectures * is based on the asymmetric chip multiprocessor ** consists of at least one large, high-performance core and many small, power-efficient cores * small coreは,クリティカルセクションに到達したらlarge coreにリクエストを投げてstallする.large coreはクリティカルセクションの実行を終えたらsmall coreに通知,small coreの処理が再開. :: Per-Thread Cycle Accounting * tracking per-thread progress rates for each coexecuting thread (during SMT exec.) ** to improve QoS, SLA{{fn Service-Level Agreements}}, Performance predictability, serice differentiation, proportional-share performance * to determine the alone exec. time ** base cycle component ** miss event cycle component(cache, TLB, branch) ** waiting cycle component :: AnySP: Anytime Anywhere Anyway Signal Processing * AnySP = fully programmable architecture ** targets multiple application domain ** addresses these challenges for next-generation mobile{{fn 電力への要求がシビア}} signal processing * FFT, space-time block coding(STBC), low-density parity-check(LDPC)を解析 ** SIMD幅,レジスタの値のライフタイム,命令ペアの頻度,Algorithm data-reordering patterns * AnySP processing element desgin ** Configurable multi-SIMD width support ** Temporary buffer and bypass network ** Flexible functional units ** SRAM-based swizzle network(post-bfabricationでのネットワークの変更が可能) ** Multiple output adder tree support :: Gate-Level Information-Flow Tracking for Secure Architectures :: Predicting Voltage Droops Using Recurring Program and Microarchitectural Event Activity * voltage fluctuations can lead to timing violations or transistor lifetime issues ** dynamically learns to predict dangerous voltage fluctuations based on program and microarchitectural events * to reduce the gap between nominal and worst-case operating voltages ** voltage emergency predictor to identify imminent emergencies :: Architectural Implications of Nanoscale-Integrated Sensing and Computing * a nanoscale sensor processor(nSP) ** addresses the aforementioned challenges ** by integrating molecular probe sensors and molecular-scale digital logic * a sensor array for environment monitoring/a simple processor core/a small memory for state and programs/a communication device :: Gordon: An Improved Architecture for Data-Intensive Applications * Gordon is a system architecture ofr data-centric applications combining low-power processors, flash memory, and data-centric programming systems ** for data-centric applications. * for large-scale data processing, current technology must overcome three challenges ** uniprocessorでの性能低下とCMPのプログラミングの難しさ ** ハードドライブ容量は増える一方で,レイテンシとバンド幅はそうではない ** 冷却,お金,エコからくる電力の制約 * data-centric allipcation(Map-ReduceとaDryadとかでプログラムされている) ** solid-state sotorage deviceは,向上したバンド幅とレイテンシ削減に寄与 * Gordon: a flash-based system architecture for massively parallel, data-centric computing ** solid-state disks ** low-power processors ** data-centric programming paradigms ** offers a flash management software layer that allows a highly parallel operation of large arrays of flash devices :: Phase-Change Technology and the Future of Main Memory * architecting a DRAM alternative ** array architecture ** buffer organization(area neutrality, design space, delay and energy opt.) ** scaling and implications * mitigating wear and energy ** improving PCM lifetime(eliminating redundant bit writes, row shifting, segment swapping) ** analyzing energy implications {{footnote_list}}